Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

National Good Neighbor Day
Get to know your neighbors. Host a block party, invite neighbors over for a BBQ, help a neighbor with a project, or go for a walk around your neighborhood. Be the good neighbor. Because, good neighbors make great neighborhoods. Originally, National Good Neighbor Day was created in the early 1970s by Becky Mattson of Lakeside, Montana.
In 1978, United States President Jimmy Carter issued Proclamation 4601:
“As our Nation struggles to build friendship among the peoples of this world, we are mindful that the noblest human concern is concern for others. Understanding, love and respect build cohesive families and communities. The same bonds cement our Nation and the nations of the world. For most of us, this sense of community is nurtured and expressed in our neighborhoods where we give each other an opportunity to share and feel part of a larger family…I call upon the people of the United States and interested groups and organizations to observe such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.”
In 2003, National Good Neighbor Day was changed from the fourth Sunday in September to September 28.

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Bulk Trash Collection (3rd Quarter)
Bulk Trash collection begins.
Map & Complete Schedule

Bulk Trash Placement (3rd Quarter)
Bulk Trash can be placed for collection 9 days before collection begins.
Map & Complete Schedule

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Bulk Trash Collection (2nd Quarter)
Bulk Trash collection begins.
Map & Complete Schedule

Bulk Trash Placement (2nd Quarter)
Bulk Trash can be placed for collection 9 days before collection begins.
Map & Complete Schedule

Neighborhood Celebration June 1st
At the end of 2023 we applied for Park Activation grant funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and were awarded $8,000 to put on events in the park for the community.
Our first event is quickly approaching on Saturday, June 1st, from 11AM-3PM. This event is an opportunity to get our residents outside and enjoy the park as a community. Events like this help remind residents how valuable our parks are, highlight areas in the park that need our attention and advocacy, and displace undesirable loitering and other anti-social activities which we don’t want in our parks.
Free activities will include:
Ribbon cutting for new WalkPHX path at 12PM featuring Vice Mayor and District 3 Councilwoman Debra Stark
Make & Take family art activity to enjoy art in the park, with the bonus goal of developing ideas for a future mural in the park.
Bounce House Obstacle Course
Bounce House Waterslide
Water Balloon Toss
Basketball Challenges (free throw contest, 3-point contest, etc.)
Sidewalk Chalk art activity
Event tables from City of Phoenix Parks Department, Neighborhood Services, PHX Cares, and more
We will also have a food truck from 12PM-2PM, so feel free to stop by to support this local business and eat lunch with us even if you don’t stay for the other activities.

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Arbor Day
Known as the tree planter’s holiday, Arbor Day is a day for people to come together in recognition of the wonders of trees. Communities, schools, businesses, and individuals alike join together to plant commemorative trees, hand out free trees, provide education on tree planting and care, and celebrate all the benefits trees provide.
Founded in 1972, the Arbor Day Foundation is the world’s largest member nonprofit dedicated to planting trees. Our strength is in network – a diverse group of individuals, municipalities, corporations, and planting organizations that enable us to plant trees around the world. We intentionally collaborate with partners who are deeply engaged in the areas they serve to plant the right trees in the right places to have the greatest impact.
Now more than ever, the world needs the powerful benefits of trees to safeguard the health of our climate, our communities, and the biodiversity of the planet. We are answering the call by pursuing our next ambitious goal: planting 500 million more trees by 2027, with a focus on forests and neighborhoods of greatest need.

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

'Slope Fest
‘Slope Fest 2024 & Tour de Sunnyslope
Come join the fun at
Sunnyslope's largest annual
signature event.
It is a family-friendly community
event with something for everyone!
12th St & Dunlap
8:30AM (start of Tour de Sunnyslope) to 2PM

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Bulk Trash Collection (1st Quarter)
Bulk Trash collection begins.
Map & Complete Schedule

Bulk Trash Placement (1st Quarter)
Bulk Trash can be placed for collection 9 days before collection begins.
Map & Complete Schedule

Block Watch Meeting
Monthly neighborhood association & block watch meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance.
Discussing current and upcoming events, crime prevention, public safety issues, and neighborhood improvement.
Kids are always welcome!

Northwest Extension Phase II Opening Celebration!
A family-friendly event to celebrate the opening of the new Thelda Williams Transit Center at Metrocenter and the latest section of the light rail. Be one of the first to ride the new light rail extension!
Ribbon cutting ceremony
Booths featuring local businesses and organizations
Family activities and entertainment
Commemorative giveaways
Parking is available at the Metro Parkway Park-and-Ride garage. Light rail service along the new extension to begin following ribbon cutting ceremony.
Visit our blog to see some exclusive preview photos from a recent pre-opening tour of the facility.

Block Watch Meeting January ‘24
This is a general meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance. Residents and members of the community are invited to meet neighbors, hear updates about neighborhood initiatives and improvements, and to voice concerns or ideas for the community.

General Meeting Nov 2023
This is a general meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance. Residents and members of the community are invited to meet neighbors, hear updates about neighborhood initiatives and improvements, and to voice concerns or ideas for the community.

Love Our Schools Campus Clean-Up
Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance is partnering with Shaw Butte Elementary School for Love Our Schools Day on November 4, 2023 from 8am-10am.
We will be cleaning up the campus all the way around the buildings, including the sports fields and bleacher areas. If you have your own “trash picker/grabber”, work gloves, rakes or brooms—please bring them with you. Trash bags and other hand tools will be provided.

Tree Planting
Planting Date is still tentative. Be sure we have your email address to keep you updated if the date changes for any reason.
Cave Creek Park has been selected by the Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation for the Break A Bat - Plant A Tree program. Sponsored in partnership with Anheuser-Busch—we will be planting 80 new trees in Cave Creek Park from Cave Creek Park - Cholla up to Cave Creek Park - Larkspur.

General Meeting Oct 2023
This is a general meeting for Shaw Butte Neighborhood Alliance. Residents and members of the community are invited to meet neighbors, hear updates about neighborhood initiatives and improvements, and to voice concerns or ideas for the community.